It’s a royal decorated villa
High official chamber of the governor
A temple of dedication and charity
Sole place for the composers
Prettiest living paradise of a poet
None is absence within that
Just beside the Indian Ocean
Melodious songs and romantic poems
Are in every loop and corner
Like a heaven palace
Without you-
My villa is a haunted house.
I’m the bridge of humanity
In between the war and peace
In between the tears and smile
A long and unbreakable bridge
Built up by the strong rocks of promises
Sometimes over the sea and ocean
Sometimes sky and earth
Bridge of dark and light
Without you-
I’m just a destiny less brook of blood.
Living and dancing in Shangri-La
Chatting and singing with the birds
Playing hide and seek with shadows of love
The roses are on the bed
Stars are twinkling inside abode
The moon shines evermore on the roof
Without you-
My territory is a painted landscape.
A handsome look that follows to a manly limbs
That charms than a naughty lamb
Arms are stronger than elephants
Chest is spreading like the mountain
Walked and can walk across the countries
Not even whispering
I’m tired, I’m hungry and I’m thirsty
Without you-
I’m just a hollow snail of a wild beach
No tender trees of hopes
No golden clouds and parrot’s songs
There would be mistaken creatures
Of ever death cells of my function-less heart
You left terribly where I started
No one occupies my sight
Everybody would follow me
Because there is none in front
I lost when I found me
I do not try more to seek
Where you left
Where we met.
Without you-
The pains are no more pain
The poems are no more a poetry
The days are sounded like a world war
I have blown myself
Where you never walk
With no heart beats
No words are born again.
Without you-
No words are born again.
No words are born again.
plz drop a comment and your feedback will be appreciated heartily